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Language Translation Services

Bishopsford Road offers an interpreting service in two ways.

BSL Interpreters.

Within Britain, the most common form of sign language is called British Sign Language, (BSL). BSL is the preferred language of between 50,000 – 70,000 people within the UK. All our sign language Interpreters are members of the Register of Sign Language Interpreters (MRSLI) This status allows an interpreter to work in all settings.

Please contact the reception team to request a BSL interpreter when booking your double appointment, and they will submit a booking application to Language is Everything. This can take up to two weeks to be actioned by Language is Everything. All BSL interpreters are subject to availability.

Telephone Interpreter Service

Telephone interpreting can be a vital service for patients. A 2 way conference calls can normally be set up to enable the patient to have clear communication with the clinician. Most languages are available, but please check with the reception team when booking your double appointment.

All appointments that require either a BSL interpreter or telephone interpreter will need to be booked as a double appointment.